
Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars?/ Well I do

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The first time I met Leo Messi I didn't know who he was, only that I couldn't believe the boots he was wearing. But he is like a brother to me.
It was at the start of 2005, when I was with the Argentine under-17 squad and I saw him chatting with Ezequiel Garay and some other players about the boots he'd brought back from the USA.
After a while I looked at him and said: ''Sorry, what’s your name?''
He just replied: ''Leo.'' ''Leo,'' I said, ''Leo what...?'' ''Lionel,'' he answered. ''Lionel Messi.''
I recognised the name from somewhere and eventually remembered he was the kid from Rosario who had gone to Barcelona.

Things have changed a bit from then. Now, whenever we're together with Argentina, I always sit between Leo and Ángel Di María with Javier Mascherano and Ezequiel Lavezzi either side of them. We call those two the ''Old Men''.
I always room with Leo the night before an international game and have done since 2005.
He tends to fall asleep quite quickly and the only thing that annoys him is that I like to watch TV with the sound down.
When I fall asleep, he wakes up and comes looking for the remote. When he’s asleep I have to tiptoe to the toilet and stop my phone from vibrating in case it wakes him up.

Recently the fitness coach who organises where everyone sleeps suggested single rooms for everyone. Leo said that was fine, but Sergio and me are staying together!
When one of us is not there, we'll be on our own in the room. Last time when he was missing he sent me a text saying, ''Who have they put you with?''
I texted back: ''Don’t worry about it, love – I’m alone!''. But he shot back: ''Don’t be cheating on me!''

@темы: , ain't it beautiful?, albicelestes

03.11.2014 в 10:45

“I have decided to stick to love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” M.L. King
We call those two the ''Old Men'
Которые бдят, чтобы дети чего не натворили :lol: А то и сами им помогают :lol:
03.11.2014 в 11:07

- Hoe don't do it.
какаааая прелесть! ^____^
Кун решил не мелочиться и написать все секреты их парочки :-D все приличные секреты :eyebrow:
03.11.2014 в 11:58

Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars?/ Well I do
эти старички сами ещё огого))

Андре~, не оставляет простора для фантазии вообще, все карты выложил :lol:
03.11.2014 в 12:07

- Hoe don't do it.
капитан треники, жестокий человек! :-D но, с другой стороны, теперь мы на 100% знаем, что были правы! хотя, такую любовь и не прикроешь ничем.. :heart:
03.11.2014 в 13:45

“I have decided to stick to love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” M.L. King
капитан треники, ещё и фору дадут :gigi:
05.11.2014 в 11:58

Оптимист в вечной депрессии || What's the point of forgetting if it's followed by dying?
Leo said that was fine, but Sergio and me are staying together!
*с трудом может говорить из-за смеха и слёз умиления* это... так... мииилоооо :lol::lol:
Б-же, я в ничто просто :lol::lol:
05.11.2014 в 12:14

Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars?/ Well I do
Андре~, он уже может что угодно говорить, я ничему не удивлюсь :lol:

Alessandriata, вот вот)

fytbolistk@, :heart:

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